MaliDownload Mali Interactive Map


Click on the map in order to download the interative map (zip file, 30MB).

The criteria that were filtered out as unavailable are as follows:

  • Protected:
    • International
    • Categories I-VI
  • Swamp bushland
  • Crops:
    • Cropland > 50%
    • Cropland woody
    • Irrigated crops

3 criteria were filtered out as unsuitable:

  • Sandy desert
  • Bare rocks
  • Stony desert


The following social constraints have identified for Mali:

Kidal : In this region, there have been frequent confrontations between rebel groups (which are relatively small) and military forces. In the north and the east of the Niger River in the Timbuktu and Gao regions, there have been some cases of road robberies and kidnapping. This has also been the case along the road between Gao (16°16'27.84"N, 0° 2'30.48"W) and Kidal.



In order to easily locate the swamp bushlands and the irrigated crops in Mali, it is recommended that you make the following layers disappear: social constraints anno, towns anno, social constraints, towns, perennial rivers, railroads, roads, international, categories I-VI, protected, cropland > 50%, cropland woody, crops, unavailable, sandy desert, stony desert, bare rocks, unsuitable.


For more information, please read the 2008 Task Report on Current Land Use Patterns and Impacts.